was originally created and released by Eric Ekengren for K2, then withdrawn and
re-released in a black and white marblized version.
This is the original version which was later "tweaked" by Janet Parris, who added sculpting and highlights to the original design, along with a default folder,
trash, windowshade sounds, and desktop and utility patterns. A folder of desktop patterns is also included. Eric very kindly insisted that Janet be placed as co-author
of this version. We hope you will enjoy it. Eric's original Read Me is included in the folder as a desktop clipping. What he said about legal stuff and useage, etc. applies
to Janet (although she is not averse to a small contribution if you feel so inclined). Having gone through a couple of other tweakings with system folders and disclosure triangles added, this is a new version with a brand new sculpted menubar, tweaked cursor, and improved menu, all added by Janet.